Sam has been with Andover Family Medicine since as early as 2006, working as a medical assistant and other positions. He is a 2012 graduate from Wichita State University’s Physician Assistant program. Sam has an emphasis in sports medicine care; spending ten years as a provider working orthopedic sports medicine in the Wichita community before joining Andover Family Medicine as a provider in 2022. He had the privilege of taking care of Wichita State University athletes and many of our professional athletic entities. Sam is a native Kansan from a small-town farming community. Residing in Andover for 15 years now, he enjoys his family of 3 sons, Tyler, Hoken, and Kane, and enjoys sportsman and outdoor activities, ice hockey, and golf. His family keeps him on the go. The Landers Family also has a cattle farm as a hobby which requires attention from time to time. When there is free time, this is well spent with his spouse, Lindsay.